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Berufsakademie Sachsen Standorte
Leipzig Staatliche Studienakademie
Riesa Staatliche Studienakademie
Dresden Staatliche Studienakademie
Glauchau Staatliche Studienakademie
Plauen Staatliche Studienakademie
Breitenbrunn Staatliche Studienakademie
Bautzen Staatliche Studienakademie


"Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks" will be published

06. January 2022

Am 15. Januar 2022 erscheint der Sammelband „Future Intent-Based Networking: On the QoS Robust and Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Software Defined Networks” im Springer Verlag.

Internationales - Besuch aus Oberschlesien

03. November 2021

Das Interesse am Dualen Studium ist auch in den Nachbarländern groß. So war am 29. Oktober 2021 eine Delegation zu Gast an der Berufsakademie Sachsen.

Internationales - Studierende ins Ausland

09. June 2021

Das Ausland ruft - Studierende können sich für Teilstipendium PROMOS bewerben.

University Information Day also took place at Zgorelec

15. January 2020

Prof. Dr. Teresa Dierkes was heavily surrounded at the open university day in Polish Zgorzelec. Pupils and teachers from the Zgorzelec grammar schools were happy to take the opportunity ... Read here.

Thank you for the great cooperation. We wish ...

20. December 2019

... you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

(Re)appoinment of directors

27. June 2019

The directors of Berufsakademie Sachsen were awarded their certificates of reappointment by the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts in Dresden.

Cooperation to secure availability of professionals in the region

25. June 2019

Chemnitz University of Technology and Berufsakademie Sachsen agreed on a closer cooperation to secure the availability of professionals and retain them in the region. This includes a more intensive collaboration in the areas of in-service academic training and the transfer between science and economy as well as society. Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, representative of the rector and Prorector for Transfer and Further Education at Chemnitz University and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Hänsel, President of Berufsakademie Sachsen, signed the corresponding cooperation agreement in June.

Next dates

Continuing education offers for university staff members

The education institutions of the Center for Didactics in Higher Education (Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen - HDS) offer a broad range of workshops and seminars that aim to increase teaching quality. Upon completing modules 1-3, participants will be awarded the Saxon certificate of didactics in higher education.

This certificate program strives to increase the degree of professionalization in teaching by

  • enabling you to extend your individual teaching skills in the fields of knowledge, professional set of values as well as capacity of action while, at the same time,
  • implementing a shift in perspectives – from teaching to learning.

The recognition of achievements for the Saxon certificate of didactics in higher education is handled by the HDS Office.

Current program

As part of the cooperation, Berufsakademie Sachsen is offering various workshops for teaching staff and laboratory engineers.

For further courses please click: and

  • "Competence-oriented design and evaluation of group work " (6 Nov 2019, Dresden University of Cooperative Education)
  • "From practical experience for practical application. Exchange of experience on activating teaching methods" (26 Nov 2019, Riesa University of Cooperative Education)
  • "Barrier-free teaching" (4 Feb 2020, Leipzig University of Cooperative Education)

Past workshops

Most important aspects of digital academic teaching

29 March 2019, 9:30 – 16:00, Glauchau University of Cooperative Education

The aim of this workshop is to train teaching staff in the use of e-learning tools to support students in achieving their learning objectives in different communicative learning environments (synchronous, asynchronous). The workshop focuses on classical learning environments and their application (e.g. Moodle) as well as other (open-source) tools.

Focus of the workshop:

Practical discussion of different tools, advantages and disadvantages, assessment of possible applications.

   What are essential e-learning tools?

  •     What technical solutions are suitable for my seminar and
  •     how can the right selection be made?
  •     How can online communication be assisted or encouraged?
  •     What fields of application are there in teaching?
  •     What needs to be taken into account; what are the challenges?

Objectives of the workshop:

  •    familiarize participants with essential e-learning tools and their use
  •    planning and implementing my project: didactics and e-learning
  •    chances and challenges – for teachers and learners

Teaching staff of Berufsakademie Sachsen: free
Reduced fee: 35.00 € (for teaching staff from other Saxon universities and institutes of higher education)
Regular fee: 158.00 €

For further information click here.


26 March 2019, 9:00 – 16:30, Riesa University of Cooperative Education

Learning should be fun if what has been learned is to be internalized in the long run for later application. This includes a positive learning environment and creative learning methods. „Gamification“ turns out to be an interesting approach in this regard. The workshop offers an insight into gamification as a resource for the activating design of lectures and seminars. Try it and experience the rewards of learning by playing.


  • the origin and backgrounds of gamification
  • overview of gamification elements
  • application of selected methods
  • development of own ideas


  • familiarize participants with basics of suitable gamification methods and their fields of application
  • expand participants‘ repertoire of activating teaching methods

Teaching staff of Berufsakademie Sachsen: free
Reduced fee: 35.00 € (for teaching staff from other Saxon universities and institutes of higher education)
Regular fee: 158.00 €

For further informationen click here.


Please note: registration deadline 11 March 2019

04 March 2019, 9:00 – 16:30, Leipzig University of Cooperative Education

Why is creativity so important for future engineers and thus an essential part of their training?

Creativity and innovation form the basis for the development of new and effective technical solutions to problems that have been provoked by technical and social changes. However, there appears to be a gap between creativity and innovation on the one side and the highly structured and formalized training of professional engineers on the other. A growing number of bridges have been developed recently to overcome or even close this gap. In particular the laboratory has turned out as the teaching and learning scenario that can combine creativity and innovation with the processing of engineering tasks.

The workshops aims to use the freedoms and scopes of laboratories to optimally develop the learners‘ creative potential during their professional training.

Various creativity and thinking techniques will be introduced and practically applied in the exemplary development of scenarios for creativity in the laboratory.

Counseling and Coaching Services

Professors and part-time lecturers at Berufsakademie Sachsen can make use of individual offers.



Dipl.-päd. Bärbel Meinert

+49 (0)371 49529677

Ilona Scherm

Consultant for knowledge and technology transfer, international affairs and intercultural competence

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763/173-135
Fax +49 (0)3763/173-181
Email Send email
Office ZGS
Room 313

Livia Lantzsch

Consultant for Quality Management

Location Glauchau

Phone +49 (0)3763 173-129
Fax +49 (0)3763 173-181
Email Send email
Office Zentrale Geschäftsstelle
Room 313

Member of the Scientific Board of "Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen"

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Studies at Berufsakademie Sachsen are co-funded through tax revenues on the basis of the budget as approved by the Saxon Parliament.

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